Important topics concerning husbandry, management and pasture for the agricultural wild animals are discussed in a professional and practice-oriented way.

Contents: Requirements for fallow deer and deer - as well as sika, muffle and black deer - keeping, feeding and management, species-specific food requirements, standards for organic farms, possibilities of habitat optimization with regard to pasture land and feeding offerings, characteristics of good pasture, pasture improvement, post-sowing, effects on biodiversity. With extensive pasture in the afternoon in the Donnersbach valley.

2 hours of TGD training

5 hours of ÖPUL-Bio-education

5 hours ÖPUL-UBB further education

Read the full description of this course at:

Optimization of farm management


  • Der heurige Winter – zu warm und zu wenig Schnee

    Der auslaufende Winter war zu warm und hatte in fast allen Landesteilen zu wenig Schnee. Besonders der Februar war um 2,5 bis 3,5 Grad wärmer als normal.

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